Monday 23 November 2009

Costume Ideas - Draft

Costume Ideas -

Below is one of my sketches of a femme fatale. I'm not the best artist, however what I was trying to portray was a sexy, feminine figure that are usually shown in thriller films - this also demonstrates how women are looked down on as well. The floaty sleeves suggest how she looks vulnerable, and the stereotypical woman as known to be 'helpless' - however they also show that she 'has something hidden up her sleeve' as the saying goes.

The shiny black stilettos reiterate the feminine aspect, but they also connote sharp, pointy, and potentially dangerous weapons.

Location Ideas - draft

Location Ideas:
One idea I thought we could use is a dark alley way next to my house as it has cobbles which we could wet and then create the wet, shiny, and cold streets. It also leads onto a small wood, which I think we could use to create a creepy feeling.
Dark Alley Way:



Sunday 22 November 2009

Perfume Advertisment - DRAFT

This is my cosmetics advertisement for 'revolve'.

Wednesday 4 November 2009

Questionnaire Results Write-Up

I distributed my questionnaire to 6 females, and 4 males; from this I gathered certain information which I am going to analyse and suggest why certain genders and certain people with different marital status may watch certain genres, watch films in particular places, and who they watch films with.

Firstly, some of the favourite films of my audience are ‘Love Actually’, ‘Pineapple Express’, ‘Black Sheep’ and ‘Final Destination’. All of these film genre’s vary, thus I believe that I have a fair result.

I also have a varying relationship status between my results. E.g. the majority are single, and the minority are engaged. 60% of my audience don’t go to the cinema with their partners however this could be because they don’t have a partner, or are in an early stage of a relationship.

The most common popular film genre is comedy, this could be to do with my questionnaire responders; as they are all aged 16-35 therefore they are not middle aged and are probably more likely to enjoy comedy to western films for example. The least popular film genre is Horror and Romance combined – this is fairly contradictory as the film genres are on both ends of the spectrum and are nothing alike. Perhaps this suggests that those genres are stereotypical of films, and are becoming what we expect from a movie.

Most of my audience watch their films at home, this could be because over time the cinema prices have risen, and in the long run it is cheaper to wait a couple of months and then buy in on DVD. Only 30% of my audience watch their films at the cinema, this could be because they go out on family ‘day trips’ and enjoy watching their films that way. Finally only one person watches their films on their PC/laptop perhaps this is because he was a younger respondent therefore it is easier and mirrors the teenage laziness.

In conclusion, I have found from my questionnaire results that the majority of my respondents are single and watch their films at home.

Madeleine David

Questionnaire Results

Tally chart from questionnaire results:

What is your favourite film?
- Love Actually
- Final Destination
- Slumdog Millionnaire
- Lord of the Rings
- Black Sheep
- Titanic
- Pineapple Express
- Braveheart
- Hairspray
- Shawshank Redemption

What is your relationship status?
Single – 4
In a Relationship – 3
Married – 2
Engaged – 1

What is your gender?
Female – 6
Male – 4

Where do you watch films?
Home – 6
Cinema – 3
Laptop/Computer – 1

Do you go to the cinema with your partner?
No – 6
Yes – 4

What is your favourite genre?
Romantic Comedy – 1
Action – 2
Comedy – 3
Adventure – 2
Horror – 1
Romance - 1


I am going to be conducting a questionnaire to discover and analyse the audience of certain films. I will be doing this by concentrating on the gender and marital status of the audience. Hopefully from this I will find out what genre of films, where they watch their films, and how they watch their films, and be able to conclude why this may be the case.