Wednesday 4 November 2009

Questionnaire Results

Tally chart from questionnaire results:

What is your favourite film?
- Love Actually
- Final Destination
- Slumdog Millionnaire
- Lord of the Rings
- Black Sheep
- Titanic
- Pineapple Express
- Braveheart
- Hairspray
- Shawshank Redemption

What is your relationship status?
Single – 4
In a Relationship – 3
Married – 2
Engaged – 1

What is your gender?
Female – 6
Male – 4

Where do you watch films?
Home – 6
Cinema – 3
Laptop/Computer – 1

Do you go to the cinema with your partner?
No – 6
Yes – 4

What is your favourite genre?
Romantic Comedy – 1
Action – 2
Comedy – 3
Adventure – 2
Horror – 1
Romance - 1

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